In the late 90’s very few companies were making garden products in maintenance free materials. Wood was it. Our first product was called the Nantucket Arbor and was a huge success. Since then, we have had many other successes (and lots of failures!) but always have tried to keep it as simple as possible.
We are humbled that so many of our people have stuck with us right from the beginning. Together we have pulled through setbacks and overcome challenges because of their ingenuity, loyalty and hard work. There is no NexGen without their perseverance. Said simply, they care like owners versus renters. The group owes them a debt it could never re-pay.
“I started here almost 20 years ago. It feels like yesterday!”
– Cheryl Carroll, Vita

Original Founders
Ken Machan, Stephen Prins and Guy Riopelle
The group began as a single company called New England Arbors in 2003. It was originally founded by Ken Machan, Stephen Prins and Guy Riopelle. Their leadership guided the group for the next sixteen years. In 2019 Ken & Guy sold their shares to six long term key managers. Guy and Ken’s influence in the vision and success of the group cannot be overstated. We would not exist today without their pioneering spirit and leadership!