To create companies and brands that customers, employees, and shareholders are proud to be partnered with.
Our Culture
Culture is the foundation of everything we do. It is our values in action. It is how we deliver superior customer service, create a great front-line work environment, and continuously improve our performance.
What We Look for
In A Partner
Trust, Growth, Patience & Respect
- Are they trustworthy?
- Is there good alignment in our core values?
- Do they have a partnership or win-win mindset?
- Do they have an appetite for failure and setbacks?
- Are they willing to invest in front of our growth and not behind it?
- Can we be at least 10% of their business?
- Are they willing to take the long view? (10 years or more)
- Does their leadership team have a vested stake in the outcome?
- Do they have capital to invest in growing with us?
- Is there mutual respect?
- Do they have a “let’s make it happen now” mentality?
- Do they have a competitive advantage in what they offer?